Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Years Eve

The days of planning weeks in advance to what party we'll attend on New Year's Eve and what sparkley outfit I will wear have passed...for now. At this point in our lives, with two babies, staying home seems like the logical choice. New Year's Eve at home- on the menu, seafood. Shrimp and King Crab. Delicious. Madeline even had her first bite of crab. For a kid that took forever to eat "real" food, she certainly isn't scared to try new things. I'm thankful for that. We're not picky eaters in this family!
Anyway, we spent the night dining, munching, dancing with the kids, and much to John's disappointment, watching the Twilight Saga movies. After the kids were in bed, John and I toasted with a glass of champagne and were in bed by 9. At midnight, Madeline woke us up...unfortunately not to say Happy New Year, but to crawl in bed with us. Okay...just this once Madeline.

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