Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Miss. Personality

Let's see, what's new with Madeline....she's currently tugging at my pants and whining, indicating she needs attention. Her dad stayed home and worked here today as I had a phone interview for a new job I'm interested in...and it worked well for him because he's battling a bit of a nasty sore throat. It was cozy and warm inside while it was frigid outside.

This week we met up with our former neighbors from Savage- you might recall a post I shared with you several months ago, the boy Channing and the giant Zucchini in his lap? Those neighbors. She and I used to do quite a bit together from a morning walk to the local Starbucks, to shopping trips, to playdates.....I miss our townhome, and I miss having my friend so close. Our kids are just 3 months apart. Anyway, we met for breakfast at the Good Earth- and I encourage you to go if you haven't. DELISH! It was so fun seeing them again and we found out they are expecting #2 in August. I'm so happy for them!

We also had a visit from Madeline's Godmother, Jen. That's who we can thank for the lovely hat in the photos below. Fun-ny!

Oh yea, and this past Sunday we took Madeline to her photographer for a Valentine's Day mini-session. 3 Peas Photography. Hopefully she will post a few snaps from the session later this was a blast. Madeline loved running around her studio rearranging the prop furniture...everything from chairs, to beads, to rugs, to pillows.

Anyway, we have a BUSY week next week so stayed posted and I'll let you know what we're up to!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Regis and Kelly's Beautiful Baby Contest

It's official. We entered our Madeline into the LIVE! With Regis and Kelly Beautiful Baby Contest 2010.

Voting is on March 1, 2010. Mark your calendar to vote, send to all your friends too! Let's win this! Although our chances are as great as winning the lottery, why not try!?!?

Stay tuned for information on where to send your votes, but likely you'll just log into the Regis and Kelly website.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just another day.

A few photos taken yesterday along with an update.

Madeline has been with a cold for the last week; stuffy, runny nose and a cough. No fever though and her appetite remains the same. She hates the nose sucker but it's a necessary evil to pull all that snot out of her little nose. The best time to do it is after her evening bath when everything is nice and runny :-)
We finally broke down and purchased a humidifier for her bedroom and it seems to be helping- in just a few nights of having it on, her cheeks aren't so dry and chapped looking and she seems to be sleeping much better through the night.
The good news in all of this is that she's still a happy little girl. We were busy yesterday playing with her stacking blocks among other toys, her baby and Jersey's bandana.
A few new things that Madeline is doing....she has started to dance and it's so sweet. Anytime music plays, whether on the radio, commercial or a movie, she starts to bounce and smile as though she is aware that what she is doing is totally cute. She walks and runs all over the place and I've noticed in the last couple days that she tried to walk on her tippy-toes. She is fascinated by her feet and our feet, too. She understands that socks go on feet and it's pretty funny when she tried to put them on herself. No real words yet. We're working on "up" and she's said it a few times, but not when she wants to get "up" on the couch or in the chair or whatever it might be. Of course she understands everything we say. I think she's just waiting to talk until she can complete her sentences- she's so smart ;-) Oh, and another thing- she HATES having her diaper changed. She sees the diaper and the wipes and she will run away from you. I scratch my head as to why that might be? I would hate to run around in full pants of one or the other!
A few of her favorite things to play with are her stacking blocks, her puzzles and her baby's. Oh, and before I forget- she just started hiding things in places. For example, crayons in the fireplace and cell phones in the cupboards. She's certainly more toddler than baby.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Stride Rite

Happy New Year everyone!

I forgot to post this a few weeks ago.....
We took Madeline to Stride Rite to be fitted for her first pair of "real" shoes. I can see myself developing an unhealthy shoe fettish for her- so many adorable shoes so little time! Madeline had the store to herself so she took advantage of the small play area, and enjoyed picking out many shoes and bringing them to us. We settled on this pair...easy on, easy off. So far she has no problem walking and running around in them!