This week we met up with our former neighbors from Savage- you might recall a post I shared with you several months ago, the boy Channing and the giant Zucchini in his lap? Those neighbors. She and I used to do quite a bit together from a morning walk to the local Starbucks, to shopping trips, to playdates.....I miss our townhome, and I miss having my friend so close. Our kids are just 3 months apart. Anyway, we met for breakfast at the Good Earth- and I encourage you to go if you haven't. DELISH! It was so fun seeing them again and we found out they are expecting #2 in August. I'm so happy for them!
We also had a visit from Madeline's Godmother, Jen. That's who we can thank for the lovely hat in the photos below. Fun-ny!
Oh yea, and this past Sunday we took Madeline to her photographer for a Valentine's Day mini-session. 3 Peas Photography. Hopefully she will post a few snaps from the session later this was a blast. Madeline loved running around her studio rearranging the prop furniture...everything from chairs, to beads, to rugs, to pillows.
Anyway, we have a BUSY week next week so stayed posted and I'll let you know what we're up to!

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