Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lucy's Baptism

Lucy's baptism was quick. 10:30 mass followed by her baptism. At this parish, baptism follows mass rather than having it during as the church is packed, not an empty spot in the place. It would take HOURS if that were the case. Madeline did great- how boring for a 2 year old to sit still for a whole hour. She was perfect! A little curious of the baptismal font, but who wouldn't be at that age?
Godparents, Paul and Jen, very dear friends of ours. Actually, Jen is also Madeline's godmother. And Paul seems to be Madeline's boyfriend as everytime he comes over, she crawls all over him and it's like we're not even in the room. Fortunately he has the patience of a saint and he's very good with her. Any of you single or have a single friend? He's looking!
Anyway, the baptism was very sweet. It was followed by a lovely brunch at home with our parents and godparents.

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