Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lucy's First Haircut

A very spontaneous decision on my part today- after lunch we went to Kids Hair to have Lucy's hair trimmed up. She has thick hair that after a bath is adorably full of curls, something she no doubt received from her daddy, and sadly after it dries, the curls go bye-bye but the unruly wavy locks remain. She did really well, a fake cry for a few seconds and that was it! We left with just a small trim, a cleaned up hair-do. Now if I could just shake the urge I have to bring Madeline in to have her hair cut into a little bob.....much like my own hair, it's long and fine and straight. She is going through a phase where the only thing I can do to her hair is pin her bangs back in a barette....what to do, oh what to do.

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