This morning was a fun morning for Madeline- all week we have been prepping her for her dance class as she got to wear her beloved Minnie Mouse costume! She was so excited that at 7am this morning she woke up and stripped her jammies off and woke us up asking to put on her Minnie. She was in her undies for a little while until finally it was time! And when she had it on she looked at her daddy and said, "Do you love it?" as she twirled around and around. Oh my Gosh. So cute.
Off to dance class we went, we couldn't get out the door fast enough today. She finally had her tap shoes. See, the first few weeks of class weren't the smoothest and so I decided to wait on making the tap shoe purchase until I knew she actually enjoyed dance class and today proved that she LOVES it. She loves tap. She loves dance. I just hope it stays this way!
Upon our arrival, there was another Minnie Mouse friend. Carly. The two of them have become instant dance buddies. Fortunately for them, her mommy and me also seem to be getting along fabulously and actually live within walking distance of one another :-) I see playdates in our future.
Miss Jennifer, her teacher, was a modified version of Tinkerbelle, we had a Dorothy and her little dog, too....and Princess Tiana from the Princess and the Frog. The girls had a great time today and finished off their class with a trick or treat, too!