Fortunately for daddy the cast off lady was called back for a minute so we had a few more moments to spare so he could arrive to BLUE 7. Madeline was so happy that sister would be having her "owies gone" today. She said to me, "Mommy, Lucy have owies gone so she can take a bath with Meme." Yes, Madeline, she will not have her owies anymore and she can have a bath with you. A side note, when you ask Madeline her name, like, "what's your name?" You'll likely receive this as a response...."ME...Me". She's silly.
Back to Lucy Lu.
Nurse said she remember's Lucy from surgery, although Lucy was asleep then. She was sweet and gently and fast. Lucy screamed the whole time. Madeline, the big sister who was there for support to hold sister's hand was very traumatized by this experience and cried and asked to leave the room, and so we did. For a moment anyway. Then the nurse camae out with bubbles and that was a great distraction.
As with M, I asked John to hold the baby during this time so the babe wouldn't associate momma with this experience. But, I held the camera and I saw in her face the "why are you doing this to me mommy" and it broke me.
Her casts were removed, and tossed. We weren't able to keep them like we were with M. I wasn't about to pull them from the trash. Our immediate response to her toe was silent. Much different than M's. Lulu's toes were more dramatic than Madeline's. More bone work, more tissue, just more work..... I think after the swelling and the scabbing goes down we'll see positive results. I hope. In a phrase, I see lots of black dead tissue. Enough said.
Dr. Walker came in and had postitive comments. And he pulled one of her toe nails off as we sat there. I nearly lost my stomach. He advised me to continue to look away as he tried to pull as much residule tissue, scabbing, and stitches while he was there. OMG. NOTHING like Madeline's results. BUT, they will be. Madeline simply had less scabbing than Lucy.
We are to watch and bath as usual. I have her in a dressing of gauze and whatnot covered by a sock while she sleeps. She is SO HAPPY TO HAVE HER CASTS GONE. I just hope she doesn't hurt herself in the process. She's ready to move!
As a parent, be thankful when you count 10 toes. 10 fingers. 12 toes isn't a bad thing, but as parents who decide that keeping 12 toes would be a struggle, as kids are mean, and finding regular shoes to fit would be hard, feel blessed. It's definitely not a disability but it's a process. Not a pretty one, either.
Here's what- you can take 12 toes and get rid of twoand deal with the recovery. But you can't take my girls' BIG BLUE EYES and their perfect brows and trade them for nothin! Hmmmmm. be happy with what you get. I am.
Here's a link to Madeline's cast removal blog write up.

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