At 5 months she has both her mom and dad pulling out their hair with her incessant screaming and fussiness. However, when she is happy, she is very happy and so much fun to be around.
It's fun to look back on my blog here which was started prior to Madeline's birth. Here's a link to Madeline's 5 month mark.
It would appear that they are both following the similar track in terms of developmental milestones. Lucy has just started sitting up independently but topples rather easily too. She seems to want to do though, always ends up on her tummy hoping to go somewhere, but she gets stuck and let's us know. The toy shown in Madeline's post, that too has become one of Lucy's favorites. Lucy hates rice cereal- loves all fruit and I've slowly introduced vegetables. So far, the sweet potato is the winner. Peas make her gag. She really is quite a chunky baby. Unsure of her measurements yet, but next month we'll find out!
Let's see- Lucy loves to watch her big sister jump around and really gets the giggles when she watches her at bathtime or while she's dancing around the living room. Lucy was sleeping through the night pretty solid, but lately she's hit a bit of a bump. I suppose it was too good to be true when she was sleeping all night so young! Madeline is going through some phase where she likes to wake a couple times each night too- as my husband said this morning- Sleep has become a luxury in our household. And I thought massages and pedicures were a luxury.
Cabin fever has set in so I'm packing up the babies and taking them to my parents in Florida next week for 10 days. John is meeting us the last couple of days down there. I can't wait.
Here's a few photos of the girls. They really are sweet babies.

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