Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lucy's 4....months

At 4 months old Lucy is 17 lbs and 26 inches long. She's starting to roll over and has a strong will to sit up on her own soon, too. She is a very oral baby, something Madeline was not, so this is new and interesting to us. Everything goes into the mouth....everything. Her bouts of fussiness are minimal now, as they related to gas. She's generally a happy baby that just wants attention- sounds normal to me. Today, though, we're on day 3 of an ear infection and a touch of what the doc believes to be RSV. It's sad to see her and hear her so congested. Lots of TLC, warm steamy baths and Vicks. Other than a few tears when she can't breathe or when I'm cleaning her nose, she's just happy and smiley.

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