While we're on the subject of what Madeline is doing, I'll mention that she loves bath time. Is it bad that I will, on some days, bathe her twice? I mean, I don't get out the soap each time, but just let the water run clear and let her splash around. I'm not kidding, she hears that tub start and she is in there trying to climb over the ledge to get in, clothes and all! She loves it and I love that she loves it because a) she's clean and we're avoiding H1N1 germs (I hope) and b) she will be a clean freak like her mom ;-)
Madeline is still crawling as a means to get to where she needs to go, but she's doing great at walking, even balancing on her own...until she realizes we've let go. Then she has a melt down. I recently brought her to a new and fantastic place called The Little Gym. There are classes for kids of all ages, and on Wednesday we went. She was able to jingle some bells, play with bouncy balls, climb on all the soft child-proof equipment, play with a hula-hoop, and play with other children her age. It's amazing to see the difference in children who are the same, younger or older by just a few weeks! We may have to continue going to the Little Gym....she really did enjoy herself and when we got home she was quick to go down for her morning nap.
And finally, something that I never hear enough of when people at the store, the mall, the gas station, the bank, the post office, the park, whereever we go......people say....."Oh my, she has the most beautiful blue eyes...." or "Wow, those are the biggest blue eyes I have ever seen." Sometimes I think, come on people, let's come up with something else....but then I look at her and realize that she really does have the most gigantic blue eyes. Thank goodness for her Papa's (Grandpa Jeff) gene pool.
Hmmmmm, let's see, what else. She's napping once a day every day, two naps if we're lucky about once or twice a week. She has 4 teeth and about 4 more poking through. She has about 4 bottles each day of whole milk and has been treated to a bottle of apple juice, or carrot/apple juice, or Juicy Juice Berry, and is spoon fed the rest of her meals. In the past few days, however, she has been caught putting food in her mouth. Although I end up giving it to the dogs, I always tear up cheese, meats, fruits and puffs and put them on her tray to try....and as I thought, someday when she's ready, she'll do it. She's tried about 3 times now. Fingers crossed. Mom will be happy. Oh, and finally. She successfully waves HI and BYE. SO stinkin' cute when she does that too.
Until nex time.....

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