Madeline had her 12 month appointment this week.
- Weight: 23.14lbs
- Height: 30 3/4 inches
- Madeline cruises when she crawls and when she's walking along the furniture edges
- For you Yoga enthusiasts, she's started to do a great downward dog, which I believe is how she is learning to stand up on her own, unsupported by furniture.
- She's a master at peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake.
- She understands many words but only speaks Momma and Dada...and now Baba.
- Sleeps a good 10-12 hours each night and still has at least one nap during the day for about 1.5 hours.
- She's not a big fan of eating, but she'd great at feeding others...especially the puppies. She would prefer all her meals in a bottle, but we're not going to become concerned for a few more months yet. She loves all fruits, and some veggies. But her favorite continues to be yogurt.
- She loves to crawl up the stairs, and now, down the stairs. She also likes to crawl up on the couch and hang out for a while. She can get herself down from the couch, too!
- She plays so well on her own, and with others. She loves her book, her Baby Einstein videos and Ooo and Ahh from Playhouse Disney. Oh, and she LOVES Elmo. She has 3 stuffed Elmo's right here!
- She's snuggly, she's cute, and she's perfect in our opinion.
Here's a few shots of our little ham smiling for the camera....
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