Tomorrow I turn one year old. Today I am still a baby. Being a baby is great, and boy do I have my parents trained. I'm learning lots, like crawling and walking, holding my own bottle and I can even sing myself to sleep, although the adults tell me I am "self-soothing" I just talk to my doll friend in my crib and then we decide it's so cozy we just fall asleep. A while back I missed my parents and so I would wake them up about 2am and cry...of course they would come pick me up and rock me back to sleep but then one day, totally out of the blue, they stopped doing it! Shooooooot! Now I actually have to continue to sleep through the night with no cuddling. Oh well, that's okay. But get this, I refuse to feed myself and I refuse to drink out of anything except my bottle...why? Well, because I am still a baby and I'm going to act like it as long as my parents will let me! I've heard my mom telling people that one of these days she's just going to stop giving me my bottle and stop feeding me....and when that day comes, I'll let you know....but I think she'll keep doing it for a while. Speaking of food, they did stop giving me formula. I guess I'm a "big girl" now 'cause I drink whole milk. It's pretty tasty, I don't mind it at all. And, did you know my favorite food is yogurt? I especially like it when my mom puts chunks of fruit in it and I gag. She thinks she's so tricky.
Anyway, today it was crappy. So I decided I needed to play on the couch....I forgot to mention that's my new favorite thing to on the couch and on my mom and dad's bed in the pillows. Anyway, so mom was being a photographer while we tried to make forts with the blanket. Check out these photos of yours truly. I sure am a "babe" aren't I?

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