Besides having her first cold, complete with a runny nose, sniffles, a very phlegm-y cough and are some 8 month happenings:

- Drum Roll Please.....sleeps through the night! Goes down between 6:30 and 7:30 and sleeps until 6am!
- Enjoys 3 meals a day and 3-4 bottles. Hasn't met a food she doesn't like.
- Working on getting her hands to put the food into her mouth by introducing her to Gerber Puffs. I break them into little pieces so they melt quickly in her mouth when they finally do make it there.
- She's starting to take a sippy cup. She almost never gets any water from it, but she can hold it and get the spout into her mouth. She seems to prefer chewing on it. But if I hold it upright for her, she can certainly suck enough water from it to understand what's happening.
- Has wild hands that love to move and tap and almost slap whatever is in her way.
- Can clap- while holding two of her little balls in each hand. She watches us clap and mimics us while holding her little balls.
- Can finally put her feet into her mouth! What an accomplishment ;-)
- Loves to babble. No real words yet, but we've heard a lot of Mamamama, and gagagagag and babababa.....
- No teeth yet and no crawling yet.
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