Madeline turned 7 months old today.
- She is beautiful, she is hilarious, she has the biggest blue eyes in the world
- When we hold her hands and say "Stand up" she will in fact, stand up. And when we say "Sit down" she will in fact, sit down.
- She continues to laugh at her puppy and when mommy and daddy, or anyone else, makes her laugh.
- Her nap schedule remains consistant at 2-3 per day and sleeps about 10 hours at night. Although I think the day light savings is throwing her off a little.
- She eats 3 meals her day of the fruit, veggie, meat or cereal sort and those are of course accompanied by her bottle feedings.
- She continues to enjoy her toys and her Baby Einstein. She has one toy in particular, a train, which when you press the big yellow button, it makes the balls go round and round....she loves to grab the purple ball and take it out and is learning how to put it back in the toy to keep it going.
- She LOVES Florida. She loves swimming, she loves all the long walks we go on; she sees the flowers, the trees, the water...feels the warm breeze. We may have to move if she is always this happy here!

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