We arrived home yesterday afternoon. The flight was PACKED. We were hot, we were tired, we just wanted to get home. After sitting in line to take off for over an hour, we were in the air and Madeline was ready to get off the plane....only 3 more hours left! All things considered, she did pretty well and fortunately we were surrounded by many other unhappy babies and children with many adults who were able to order a Scotch or put on their noise cancelling ear phones. Or, like the people behind us, play Peek-a-Boo with Madeline between the seats. There really are kind people in the world.....they must be from Minnesota.
When we walked into our house, we were relieved. Madeline too. Her bedtime came early last night, but she woke up a happy baby this morning. So here she is at breakfast this morning.
Okay, so the flash was a little bright, and you can't teach a baby to keep her eyes open. But, the point of this photo is that I had her breakfast made, a nice dish of Oatmeal and Bananas. Evidently I underestimated her reach because just as I set it down, all warm and fresh, she decided she couldn't wait to enjoy it....all over her pajamas, her Bumbo and the counter. Oh well, she seemed to think it was silly. We did get the second batch made and it did make it to her highchair and most importantly, her mouth.