I captured this photo after a full day of shopping. That's right, Madeline LOVES the Mall of America. I stick her in her stroller with many blankets to ensure coziness...and she just marvels at all the lights, sounds and people around her. Not only does it give her a work out, but it does me too! We shopped for outfits for her 6 month photo session...yes, that's right. SIX MONTHS! Hard to believe it. And a few for our next trip to Florida in March....and of course mommy needed to pick up a few items as well. And we even bought something for daddy. When we got home I was trying on her outfits to be sure they fit, and they do. She seemed to be enjoying the time in her diaper on the "big bed" as we call it on Saturday and Sunday mornings when we feel like laying around a little past 6am.
One thing I'm happy to say that we are raising one happy baby, evident by the smile I captured in this photo.

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