Last week we took Madeline to the 8:30 PM. She just wasn't herself. Everytime I would lay her down, whether to change a diaper or to play, she would cry cry cry. She was extremely clingly and no matter what I did, she just wasn't happy. Usually I put her in the bathtub when she's fussy and that's the cure- this time, nothing worked. Finally I decided to call her doctor and was encouraged to bring her in as it sounded like she may have an ear infection. Well, she didn't have an ear infection, but a small virus- the doc said it's most likely a cold (I forgot to mention she's been coughing a lot). Here we are, nearly a week later and she hasn't made much improvement. Add lots of gas to this mix and you've got yourself a real crabby Madeline....and an extremely exhausted mom and dad. I hope she starts to feel better soon, poor thing.
In other news, mom and Madeline started Baby n' Me classes through our local Community Education program. We had an introduction yesterday (Monday) and the session begins tomorrow! (Wednesday) Madeline met two new friends in class, Jackson and another Madeline, but she spells her name Madelyn. I was told there are about 8 more mom's and baby's registered but due to the weather yesterday they probably opted to stay home. I am really looking forward to meeting other new mom's and to hear and learn from them. Madeline, considering her temperment lately, did really well! She already has mastered Peek-a-Boo so she showed up those other kids. She also was much more talkative than the other two, but, that might change next time. The "teachers" were very impressed with our little blueberry muffin (yes, that's what I called her).
Currently we're on the couch, sharing a blanket and trying to stay nice and warm. It's about -15 degrees this morning. No field trips today. And....let the waterworks begin. Gotta go!
Lots of this...helps me through the day.

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