Saturday, November 28, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A few "good mornings".
She wakes up about 7, I go get her and bring her back into bed with me to snuggle and play in the pillows, which is her favorite thing to do (play in the pillows), then we'll watch a little cartoon...then it's time for breakfast. After that it's just time to play. She'll play with her books, play with her toys, play with Jersey...and of course, play with her box of Cherrios. And recently, since our move to condo land, she likes the piano. Perhaps I'll have to relearn so I can start to teach her! She's too young, I know, but she thinks it's pretty neat when she touches those keys!
And the popcorn popper pusher thing-I bought that before she was walking. And she never cared for it, obviously, but now it's a favorite. Although, her face in these photos would suggest otherwise....priceless nonetheless.

A visit from the twins.
Madeline went down for her nap just as they arrived and of course she slept for their entire visit only to wake as they were getting ready to leave. But she sure was sweet with them, very excited to see the babies. I wonder if she realized they are "real" and not like her dolly?
I'm happy to say I can tell them apart here, only because Claire is a little bigger and has more hair.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
15 Months!
- Walks everywhere. Just learned how to get into a standing position without the support of a chair or another object.
- Smiles all the time when she walks, she's SO proud of herself, and she should be!
- Loves her books. She has started to pick out a book and bring it to us, then she'll start to try to climb on your lap for you to read to her. Every book is a touch and feel book to her, she must touch all the pages.
- Avidly explores everything. Her recent finding is the lamps/lightbulbs. Those are pretty neato.
- Loves to be around other children, which, for a baby not in daycare I think that's fantastic!
- Revels in water. Loves bathtime, and loves to put her hands under the faucet.
- Brushes her teeth every morning and every night. And she doesn't just suck on the brush, she actually moves it back and forth. Amazing.
- Picks up her toys when you say, "Put the toys away."
- Loves to look at herself in the mirror. She has found her shadow, too, so when the light is right and she finds it, she'll move her arms and head and laugh at herself.
At 15 months Madeline is 26.5 lbs, which is in the 90th percentile and she measures 33" long which is in the 97th percentile. So basically she's going to be long and thin. She's going to be a heartbreaker someday. Good for her!
Madeline still has no interest in feeding herself table food. We did start to try teaching her how to spoon feed herself, that lasted about 1 minute. She does drink her own bottle, but has minimal interest in a sippy cup. I think I've invested a small fortune in sippy cups trying to find the right fit for her, thinking if I found the "right" cup, she would take to it. Her pediatrician is stumped as to why our baby has no interest in these things, but assures us that as long as she's eating she's not concerned. She explained it seems like it's more of a social norm for a child to have a sippy cup but in her opinion, if it's a source of comfort to her, then she should have it. Okay then.
Madeline is a smart little girl and every now and then I catch a glimpse of her and see that she's not a baby anymore, she's turning into a true toddler. I love it! I'm anxious to report what she'll have discovered in my next update at 18 months old!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Weekend away.