I had my final monthly appointment today with Dr. Moll; after today my appointments are every two weeks and then at 36 weeks we start weekly visits. At this appointment I was tested for gestational diabetes. I drank my sugary orange flavored solution, which I had been told would be disgusting, but I thought it tasted like Sunkist soda, delicious....after finishing that I was given a timer with 60 minutes on it. During the time, I met with the doctor. We discussed my progress; she measured me, which I'm on schedule at 28 weeks now, and baby's heart is beating well. Then she told me I have to have the baby early.....translation.....she's going to be gone the week of my due date. Sooooo, we decided that she would refer me to her partner and that from this point forward, I would alternate my appointments between Dr. Moll and Dr. Ambur. I feel confident about this change. There was a chance that my regular doctor wouldn't be delivering the baby anyway if she isn't the "on call" doctor when my labor begins. I feel good about it, no worries at all!
After my visit I still had about 30 minutes on the timer, so I read this months Fit Pregnancy and oogled over the articles for a while. Timer went off and they had to take a blood sample and within minutes they knew if I was positive or negative. A reading of 140 or higher would make me positive.....I was at 105. What a relief.
I hope to have some updated belly photos posted soon, so check back this weekend!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Birth and Family Education
Together with a dozen or more other first time expectant parents, we spent Saturday at Fairview Southdale Hospital attending Birth and Family Education. Of course we were late, but arrived just in time for the 1970's video of the woman in labor...we saw three videos of women in labor. John's response after seeing them, "Can't the baby just stay inside forever?". I'm not sure what I'm looking forward to more...the early phase, the middle phase, or the phase when I am actually allowed to push. Good grief. In addition to learning about the phases of labor, the anatomy of my body (as if I didn't already know that I would feel back pain, and that going up one flight of stairs would leave me winded or that I would have to go to the bathroom that much more because everything was being pushed and squished), we also learned several ways that our partners could help us feel comforatble when in labor. It was a bit of a bonding moment for John and I. If only we could do these classes more often, if only for the foot rubs and the back rubs and all the hugs in between. All in all, the class was a treat and we were glad we attended. Incidentally, we skipped Part II of the class on Sunday- it was just too nice outside.

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to the mom's we have and to the mom's we know....and to the moms-to-be!
My first mother's day, sort of. I received an overwhelming amount of happy wishes today in the form of Hallmark's finest and even by text message and voice message. The day started off well, I was able to sleep in past 7:00! John had some errands to get done before I was even out of bed and when he came home I was treated, and it was a treat, to an Egg McMuffin and a Starbucks decafe non-fat latte. A delicious treat at 8:30 in the morning. Our day started after that with a little laundry, a walk with the dog, and a trip to Babies R Us to find our stroller and car seat, mission accomplished. The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing and enjoying the sunshine at home.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Baby M's Room...piece by piece
A few snap shots of the nursery. The nursery is far from complete, however, we have the main pieces put together. Eventually we will have the room arranged, the shelves up and all the other precious odds and ends and decor put together. We'll share photos when that has been accomplished!
John worked hard to put together the crib within 10 minutes after it was delivered...he knew how anxious I was! He was very proud to put together our little peanuts future bed. Our swivel rocker chair was the last piece to be delivered. John picked out the chair, it reclines of course, and we actually agreed on the fabric choice! We love it and so far could not be happier with the progress we've made.

John worked hard to put together the crib within 10 minutes after it was delivered...he knew how anxious I was! He was very proud to put together our little peanuts future bed. Our swivel rocker chair was the last piece to be delivered. John picked out the chair, it reclines of course, and we actually agreed on the fabric choice! We love it and so far could not be happier with the progress we've made.

Baby Bump
New Website
After quite a bit of Google searching, we finally found a blog spot that was one thing for us, simple. So here we are, blogging on our new site to continue to share our lives with you. Enjoy.
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