Tuesday afternoon we had our 20 week ultrasound- a healthy baby girl is on her way! Like Madeline, she's measuring one week ahead, which basically means nothing. Brain, heart, spine...all looking beautiful! During the ultrasound I asked the tech if she could please try to get a good shot of the baby's feet. If you remember Madeline's toe story, you know why. And if you don't, click the links below to take a peek into the past....but don't read on until you've read these links....otherwise you'll be confused.
http://themaslows.blogspot.com/2009/05/story-of-madelines-toe.htmlhttp://themaslows.blogspot.com/2009/06/cast-off.htmlLow and behold, our new baby girl will also have the same unique situation but on her left foot. Some people might think this is horrible, maybe a defect, problematic, an issue, or think 'oh that poor baby'. Well, I think those thoughts crossed my mind the first time I saw Madeline's toe. But, after it's all said and done, the only inconvenience to the entire situation is waiting and finding parking at the hospital!
Clearly this is a genetics thing- somewhere in either John's or my blood line a history of this condition exsists and we simply make babies with an extra digit. It's believed that it's a sign of luck and intellegence. I'll take that :-)
The great part about doing this all over again is that we already have the name of a fabulous doctor and we'll just have to give him a call to take care of our new baby girl when the time comes. For now, we have about 20 more weeks of development until we meet our new princess.